
Why a Design System

It helps creating a consistent and distinctive brand experience

What is a Design System?

A Design System is a living, breathing document that contains all our brand’s digital manifestations and a component library that cointains all our visual assets (components, iconography, color pale!es, grids, etc). Its purpose consists of explaning to everyone that will work with the brand on a digital environment how to use the brand’s assets the best way possible taking into to consideration, for example, physical color VS display color or interactivity VS static images.

Offline VS Online

There’s a big difference the way you show a brand offline and on online plataforms. A Design System should be designed with a 100% digital mindset, which means, taking into consideration, animations, microinteractions and most importantly, interactivity. Those elements cannot be translated into and offline mean, therefore, a Digital CVI should live online, where all those manifestations can be demonstrated and exemplified.