Welcome to YouSee DNA

Last deployment:

YouSee DNA is our design system.

A comprehensive guide and resource library that contains everything you’ll need to design with us, including our core principles, visual design, interface components, branding, and resources to help make your work faster and our pages more consistent.


DNA represents, for a human being, all your genetic code, therefore, the color of your eyes, the pattern of your hair and all your physichal charactericts. YouSee DNA does the same but for our website.

Getting Started

The YouSee DNA provides tools and guidelines to create exceptional experiences consistent with our brand and product guidelines. Read on to learn how to best use our design system for your role.


We aim to help designers make decisions on what type of components and patterns to use and when.

We also provide design resources to aid with creating beautiful, consistent experiences.

Designers should have access to our Design System File on Sketch hosted on Abstract where you can embed Sketch Libraries to your files and get all of these elements as symbols.

For access please contact Daniel Simon Dos Santos.


We provide the building blocks to assemble consistent user interfaces.

Developers can take advantage of the “Components” section to see how certain designs are achieved.

To start developing, please see Installation and Usage.